X-Community Event


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torek 11th junij 2024

Sharing a common passion for sailing and X-Yachts!
The yard in Denmark gathered X-Owners from four nations for the annual community weekend, this time at the X-Yachts Marina Minde in the Southern of Denmark.
The event was held from May 24-26 in great weather. And what happens when 115 X-Owners, family, and friends from four nations gather on a mild spring day with a shared passion for X-Yachts and sailing? A lot of smiles, cosy times – and competitive sailing.
Friday featured a welcome followed by a barbecue and socializing. The day was filled with reunions with good sailing friends, and many new friendships were formed. On Saturday, a 3-hour fun race was held on Flensburg Fjord, and that evening a three-course dinner at Restaurant Værftet in the X-Yachts Marina Minde was served.