tisdag 9th maj 2023
This year, during the four days of the Palma International Boat Show, more than 32.000 of an impressive diversity of nationalities visited the 271 participating companies and more than 600 boats on display in a fairground of more than 81,000 square meters.
The team of X-Yachts Spain are very happy to report, that they were delighted with the profile of the visitors, who were very interested in learning about and buying the products and boats on display.
The highlight would be having the beautiful X-Yachts in the water: the X5.6 which proved to be a major attraction, the New X4.3 and X4.6 that generated a lot of interest and the X-Power 33C with twin 250 hp Mercury outboard engines was also a great new addition to the range. Having the four X-Yachts was the perfect mix for potential customers to compare the alternative size options.
Our Spanish dealers are strong believers of participating in Boat Shows as they are unique opportunities to show off this outstanding brand as well as to get to meet existing X-Owners.
A huge thank you from the Spanish team, to the representatives of X-Yachts Denmark who supported the boat show this year and to all the international X-Yachts enthusiasts who came by the stand and enjoyed our fleet.