tisdag 16th maj 2023
The 2023 X-Yachts Palma VIP day was a fantastic success starting with a beautiful dinner in the restaurant “El Nautic” upstairs in the Real Club Náutico de Palma, overlooking the gorgeous marinas around the Port of Palma de Mallorca.
Our customers were graciously received and hosted by our X-Yachts Spain team and were gratefully supported by CEO, Kraen Brinck Nielsen and Market Development Manager, Torben Kornum. Twenty four guests from all over Spain, Portugal and of course Denmark, sharing their passion for sailing.
A very pleasant evening was had by all and we all hoped for favourable sailing conditions the day ahead. Light wind and possible showers were predicted but fortunately did not come true.
We enjoyed sailing on the X4.9, the X4.6 and the New X4.3. The day started out with light winds of 8-10 knots, overcast conditions which then, cleared into beautiful 12-15 knots with warm sunshine and flat water.
Our new and first buyers of the X4.9 from Portugal enjoyed a fantastic inaugural sail in the capable hands of Kraen, his son Kasper and David, X-Yachts Spain. Our new owners were extremely impressed with the balance and power, but more importantly the ease of control and handling of the X4.9.
Meanwhile our Spanish customers over on the X4.6 and the New X4.3 shared wonderful sailing conditions, and Rodrigo, X-Yachts Spain and Torben showed off the simplicity and benefit of a new Code 0 and created a beautiful sailing experience.
We all returned to RCNP, Real Club Náutico de Palma, for a nice afternoon light lunch and debrief, with everyone sharing their thoughts and positive reactions around the table.
Upon leaving the Yacht Club, Kraen and Torben were invited to enjoy a glass or two of champagne inside the NEW X-Yachts Spain sales office.
X-Yachts Spain continue to go forward positively and Tthey thank all the administration of X-Yachts Head Office for their invaluable support to X-Yachts Spain.