fredag 11th december 2020
The Red Baron has landed!
This week is a historical one for X-Yachts, starting a new chapter in the company history! The new powerboat, the X-Power 33C, was test driven for the very first time…
41 years ago, another red and ground-breaking boat was launched in Haderslev – the X-79; 41 years later, this new initiative is launched, based on the same overall strategy; A boat that is fast and safe on the water, superior sailing pleasure, innovative development and design.
CEO Kræn Brinck Nielsen expresses his enthusiasm:
“Already on the way out of the fjord in the X-Power 33C, we noticed a long list of really positive features, such as low noise level and an almost non-vibrational experience of the engine rotations.
However, to be honest, we were surprised that this continued for full speed of the boat, and that we hit top speed close to 40 knots still being able to drink coffee without spilling, while the V8 engine was spinning from the aft.
It also pleased me to see that the boat is incredibly beautiful on the water”.
Explore more about the X-Power 33C.
Register for in-house boat show in January in Haderslev!
Photos by X-Yachts, Nikolaj Schwaner