Re-Watch the atmosphere during our In-House Boat Show!
maandag 9 maart 2020
Re-Watch the atmosphere during our In-House Boat Show!
– To days of pure eXcitement, inspiration and boat talk.
Thanks to all who took part in our show, and a special thanks to our key suppliers who were presented during the show!
We had invited our key suppliers to present their products during the days of the boat show.
Mast supplier, John Mast
Insurance partner, Pantaenius
Marine electronics, Navico
Marine electronics, Raymarine
Sailmaker, Elvstrøm Sails
Sailmaker, North Sails
Antifouling paint products, Hempel
Rope supplier, Liros
Folding propellers, Gori Propeller
Folding propellers, Flexofold
Did you miss our In-House Boat Show?
– Stay tuned for our next In-House Boat Show at Saturday, 7 November 2020 – Sunday, 8 November 2020