X-Yachts and Silverrudder in a long-term partnership!
vrijdag 18 december 2020
Announcement in English:
The SILVERRUDDER Team is delighted to announce that X-Yachts and SILVERRUDDER have entered a long-term partnership for future SILVERRUDDER events.
X-yachts will be on-site in and around Svendborg during future SILVERRUDDER races, and X-Yacht sailors and SILVERRUDDER aficionados will be able to enjoy the synergy of these two unique sailing communities merging right in the heart of SILVERRUDDER Svendborg for the world’s biggest single-handed regatta.
Below are just some of the benefits that the X-Yachts and SILVERRUDDER family will enjoy:
X-Yachts will be contributing to the 2021 SILVERRUDDER by providing two of their brand-new X-Power 33C as media- and escort boats. Look out, here comes the Red Baron!
The partnership has introduced a dedicated X-79 race within the small keelboat class to be sailed in accordance with the standard SILVERRUDDER statutes. The winning X-79 will be rewarded with a special X-Yachts prize.
All SILVERRUDDER volunteers will participate in a prize-draw for the use of a brand-new X-Yachts X40 completely free of charge for an amazing week of family cruising.
We look forward to updating you with more news of this exciting development in the new year.
In the meantime, the SILVERRUDDER and X-Yachts family would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Announcement in Danish:
SILVERRUDDER-teamet er glade for at kunne meddele, at X-Yachts og SILVERRUDDER har indgået en langsigtet samarbejdsaftale om afvikling af fremtidige SILVERRUDDER sejladser.
X-Yachts vil være til stede i og omkring Svendborg under SILVERRUDDER, og X-Yacht sejlere og SILVERRUDDER entusiaster vil kunne nyde den unikke synergieffekt, der opstår når to stærke sejler communities som disse, mødes til afvikling af verdens største single-handed kapsejlads.
Nedenfor er blot nogle af de fordele, som X-Yachts og SILVERRUDDER-familien vil nyde:
X-Yachts vil bidrage til 2021 SILVERRUDDER ved at stille med to af deres helt nye X-Power 33C som medie- og følgebåde. Giv agt… her kommer den Røde Baron!
Partnerskabet har også ført til et dedikeret X-79-løb inden for Small kølbådsklassen, der sejles i overensstemmelse med standard SILVERRUDDER-statutter. Den vindende X-79 vil blive belønnet med en særlig X-Yachts præmie.
Som et helt særligt tiltag, deltager alle SILVERRUDDER frivillige i en lodtrækning som præmieres med gratis lån af en helt ny X-Yachts X-40, som kan bruges til en fantastisk uges feriesejlads med familien eller venner.
Vi ser frem til at kunne bringe flere spændende nyheder om dette samarbejde i det nye år.
I mellemtiden ønsker SILVERRUDDER- og X-Yachts familien at benytte lejligheden til at ønske dig og din familie en rigtig god jul og et godt nytår!
Feel free to get in touch for more information:
X-Yachts contact: Torben Kornum, tk@x-yachts.com
Silverrudder contact: Philip Max Cossen, pmc@simac.dk