In-House Boat Show

In-House Boat Show

sabato 7 marzo 2020 — domenica 8 marzo 2020

Haderslev, Denmark

X-Yachts sarà presente al In-House Boat Show, che si terrà a Haderslev, Denmark, sabato 7 marzo 2020 — domenica 8 marzo 2020

Imbarcazioni presenti: X4⁹ Mkll, X4⁶, X4³ MkII, X4⁰, Xc 45, Xc 38, Xp 44

See you in March 2020!

Dear clients and friends of our yard!

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our In-House Boat Show in Haderslev, to be held Saturday & Sunday, 7th - 8th March 2020 - both days, 10 - 17.

We want to present you to a variety of our new boats, among others the X40 that won The European Yacht of the Year 2020 award in January.

Exhibited boats are

X4⁹ • X4⁶ • X4³ • X4⁰ • Xp 44 • Xc 45 • Xc 38 - & and a number of pre-owned boats.

We can make you a very special offer for the demo boat, the Xc 38!

Saturday, 7th March, our X-Yachts employee Anders Bastiansen gives an interesting presentation about sailing single-handedly. The presentation will be in English and starts at 11.00.

Sunday, 8th March, The Danish Ocean Cruising Association (Foreningen til langtursejladsens fremme). presents long-distance cruising and an upcoming trip to Scotland - The presentation will be in Danish and starts at 11.00

If you want to register for this, please send an email to Andreas at

Light refreshments will be served Saturday and Sunday.

Hope to see you here!