Share your passion with us
Tuesday 30th March 2021
Share your passion with us
Our yachts may be used in very different ways; Some of our clients prefer day sailing, long-distance cruising, or racing, but common for all of them is “sailing pleasure”. The question is… how do you make a yacht that suits all these needs in a well-balanced manner?
It all starts with the design, and crucial for any design is the user.
The X-Sailor user
User behaviours and diversity combined with sea and climate conditions is an important mix of factors that must be considered when developing a new X-Yachts model.
Adapting input and trends from users is the key to our success. Working with a Design Panel is one of the initiatives that has been put to work in the X-Yachts design department to ensure this.
Our in-house Design & Engineering Department consists of 13 people who all share a common interest in sailing.
Director of Design & Engineering Thomas Mielec explains:
“When sending out a Design Panel questionnaire to selected sailors, we received valuable inputs from a large group of clients. This time primarily women who have focus on interior design and the functionality behind, and obviously with long-distance cruising in mind.”
To have input from X-Sailors who have spent more than a year sailing in different parts of the world really know what’s important and what may be re-designed in future designs. To have these inputs and to mix them with our expertise and vision for yacht designs is a unique cocktail.
Design panel in Denmark
A couple of weeks ago, we had a meeting with a Danish group of clients visiting the yard who shared their experiences and inputs with the design team.
Design panel in the Mediterranean area
Later this year, the design team plan to visit a design panel based in the Mediterranean to follow up on our clients’ behaviours in their environment and to get an impression of clients with a slightly different mindset than the one of Scandinavians.
By collecting valuable information from the client all over the world with different sailing preferences, we can create a unique product which satisfies a wide audience of sailors and deliver pure sailing pleasure…